Day 4
3 Hard Boiled Eggs (Cage Free, Organic) with a Banana and a tablespoon of Barney Bare Almond Butter
I love hard boiled eggs and for some reason I just don't take the time to "make" them but I am so glad I did last night. I just sliced them and sprinkled on salt and yummy! The banana was a little too ripe for my liking (I like them still slightly green but I decided to suck it up today and eat the spotted one because that's what I had) so I ate it with some almond butter. This was a very fulfilling breakfast and kept me full till lunch.
Taco salad with the leftover turkey I had last night, romaine and a scoop of guacamole.
I forgot to take a pic till I was half way through so most of my lettuce is gone. I have this weird tendency to eat all of my lettuce before eating meat and other toppings when I eat salads. Weird but I do not care.
Chicken & Apple Sausage, Roasted Broccoli, and Baked Sweet Potato with a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg.
DELISH. If you have never roasted broccoli you should give it a try (even if you do not like broccoli). It is so good! I just drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled on some garlic powder, salt, and crushed red pepper flakes, and "roasted" on a baking sheet lined with parchment for maybe 10 minutes on the top rack of a 450 degree oven.
How I feel...
Sadly, today I felt sleepy and less focused. I wonder if it is due to the fact that my husband has been out of town this week and I usually subconsciously do not sleep well when he is gone or if it is related to the program. A friend of mine who did the Whole30 a couple months ago said she read that most people experience fatigue around Day 5 (she said she did) so that may be what is happening. Hubs is home now so hopefully I slept peacefully tonight and feel re-energized and focused tomorrow. Also, I so did not want anything in my fridge tonight (although my meal ended up being very tasty and satisfying) so I cannot wait to go to the grocery this weekend. Now to meal plan...
Good Night and God Bless!
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