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Showing posts from October, 2013

My Day Off

This week one of our Doctors is out of the office and the other Doctor travels to our other offices Tuesday -  Thursday so I was given today and tomorrow off. Now on the one hand it is kind of a bummer because financially, we need all of my hours but on the other hand, it is really nice to have two days to relax and enjoy time to myself. Between you and me, I am thrilled to have the time off. However, (unfortunately) it cannot become habit. Anyhoo, I have quite enjoyed my day because it is only about 3:15 pm and I have done next to nothing....needless to say, I love relaxing! I made french toast for breakfast and have lounged on the couch watching The Office and laughing hysterically to myself. Buuut, I do have a goal for these two days off. Actually it's more of a project than a goal. With Baby Blevins arriving in under 10 weeks, he really needs a place to sleep. Thanks to my over enthusiastic husband, Baby Blevins' crib is currently in our living room because his room is not ...